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Livrari in UE

Livrare cadouri in UE

Cum comand daca nu sunt din Romania?

Livram comenzi numai in tarile membre ale UE. Iata cum veti proceda: lansati comanda pe site sau pe mail. Dupa efectuarea comenzii va vom contacta prin email pentru a va comunica detaliile privind plata (emitem o proforma, va comunicam totalul de plata in euro, care va include si taxele postale, intre 15-35 de Euro, in functie de greutatea calculata a coletului la Posta Romana). Dupa confirmarea platii va vom expedia coletul.

Veti primi toate datele de identificare ale coletului pentru a fi urmarit pe site-ul Postei Romane

Preturile pe site sunt exprimate in lei (RON). Vezi aici cursul oficial de schimb RON/EURO - cursul oficial BNR.

Termenul mediu de livrare este de 15 zile lucratoare de la efectuarea comenzii.

Mai jos puteti vedea lista actualizata de la Posta Romana cu tarile unde pot fi trimise colete.

Statele membre ale Uniunii Europene la data de 01.01.2007

1. Austria
2. Belgia
3. Bulgaria
4. Cehia
5. Cipru
6. Danemarca
7. Estonia
8. Finlanda
9. Franta
10. Germania
11. Grecia
12. Irlanda
13. Italia
14. Letonia
15. Lituania
16. Luxemburg
17. Malta
18. Marea Britanie
19. Olanda
20. Polonia
21. Portugalia
22. Romania
23. Slovacia
24. Slovenia
25. Spania
26. Suedia
27. Ungaria

How to order if you are not from Romania?

We deliver orders only in EU countries . Here is how you proceed: launch your order on the site or via email. After ordering we will contact you by email to notify the payment details (we issue a proforma and communicate all euro payments, which will include the shipping cost, 15-35 EUR). After payment confirmation we will send the package.

You will receive all particulars of the package to be tracked on the website of the Romanian Post

The prices on the site are in RON . See here the official exchange rate RON / EUR of the Central Bank of Romania.

The average delivery time is 15 working days from ordering.

Below you can see the updated list of the countries where parcels can be shipped by Romanian Post.

Member countries of the European Union 01.01.2007

1. Austria
2. Belgium
3. Bulgaria
4. Czech Republic
5. Cyprus
6. Denmark
7. Estonia
8. Finland
9. France
10. Germany
11. Greece
12. Ireland
13. Italy
14. Latvia
15. Lithuania
16. Luxembourg
17. Malta
18. United Kingdom
19. Netherlands
20. Poland
21. Portugal
22. Romania
23. Slovakia
24. Slovenia
25. Spain
26. Sweden
27. Hungary

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